HEX, source, sch, brd (EAGLE), datasheet, pictures
A video to show how it works:
Youtube video
Note theconnections to 16F630 PIC:
LCD_RS as sbit at RC5_bit
LCD_EN as sbit at RC4_bit
LCD_D4 as sbit at RC3_bit
LCD_D5 as sbit at RC2_bit
LCD_D6 as sbit at RC1_bit
LCD_D7 as sbit at RC0_bit
RA.5 is output for trigger input of the HC-SR04, RA.4 is input from the echo output of the HC-SR04. The LED on RA.0 is for testing only.
The push-button triggers (by powering the assembly), so the distance is displayed. No consumption unless push-button is pressed.
More explanations, see these links:
Some pictures
LCD display:
Inside the box (note the 12V battery wrapped in 3M band - I could not fit a 9V battery, and a 6V would not work as I have a regular 78L05):
UPDATE 2013/11/16: cod for 16F877a also available Source+HEX .
LCD_RS as sbit at RB7_bit
LCD_EN as sbit at RB6_bitLCD_D4 as sbit at RB5_bit
LCD_D5 as sbit at RB4_bit
LCD_D6 as sbit at RB3_bit
LCD_D7 as sbit at RB2_bit
RB0=echo received
RC7 is output (LED) continuously ON.